Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment for Osteoarthritis

Did you know that Osteoarthritis is the commonest form of arthritis in America affecting people? When it comes to the human body and especially the long bones, there is something called articular hyaline cartilage of about 5mm that covers them but when exposed to pressure and stress; it wears off causing a lot of pain in the joints, The commonly affected areas are the ones that hold the body’s weight which include the hip, knee, neck and lower back but can also affect the ankle, shoulder, base of the big toe and thumb. The most effective treatment for these joints is platelet rich plasma injections. In this article we are going to have a look at PRP injections for knee injuries.

For knee osteoarthritis to occur, the articular hyaline usually wears off over prolonged subjection to stress which wears it off and in turn causing pain that results in slow movements, swelling and even stiffness. When this happens, the best thing would be to have the articular hyaline replaced but this is not possible. This is where the PRP injection comes in. Before we continue, it is good that you know that people prone to knee osteoarthritis are obese.

While some may need to undergo tennis elbow surgeries and most especially if their cases are severe, one does not have to undergo any type of surgery to have this problem resolved. PRP is a natural method that has been used over the years for healing processes like plastic surgery. How this method works is that the doctor will take some blood from an area on the patient’s body and then separates the blood rich in plasma. These platelets rich in plasma are the ones used on the area that has been injured to help relieve pain and speed up the healing process. Since the articular hyaline cannot be replaced, platelet rich plasma injections are mainly used to lower the pain and prevent worsening of the condition. Some researches show that patients with this problem have significant less pain 3-6 weeks down the line after this injection.

So next time you experience any sudden pain on any joint or have problems like knee osteoarthritis, consider PRP injections first before going for a surgery. Have your doctor explain any side effects that may occur so you are fully aware of the procedure. PRP is still developing and more researches are being done to find more ways it can be used and how to improve it.

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